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Week 14 Data Analysis Project Report

Week 14 Data Analysis Project Report

Q Data Analytics Project Report: For your research project you will conduct data analysis and right a report summarizing your analysis and the findings from your analysis. You will accomplish this by completing a series of assignments as follows: 1. Finding a data set of your interest and downloading it and describing it. There are many publicly available data sets that you can use for your project. The library has compiled a list of many possible sources of data. Click on the link below to explore these sources. The data set you select must have: At least 50 observations (50 rows) and at least 4 variables (columns) excluding identification variables At least one dependent variable You must provide: A proper citation of the data source using APA style format A discussion on how the data was collected and by whom The number of variables in the data set The number of observations/subjects in the data set A description of each variable together with an explanation of how it is measured (e.g. the unit of measurement). 2. Cleaning the data by checking for outliers and missing data Data cleaning is the process of inspecting your data for: Unusual entries or outliers Missing data Incorrect data entries Taking action on any data issues identified and accurately documenting the action taken. For more information on data cleaning and exploration, read the article in the following link report. To access APA style formatting reminders click on the links below: Exploring the data and summarizing it using descriptive statistics, graphs, etc. You will need to provide summary statistics of each variable in your data set. There are many ways to summarize your data and you are encouraged to be creative but also accurate in how you summarize and present your data. In general: A categorical variable is summarized using a frequency table and visualized using bar charts and pie charts A pair of categorical variables is summarized using a contingency table A numeric variable is summarized using descriptive statistics: measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode), measures of variation or dispersion (range, standard deviation), and measures of position (z-scores, percentiles). A histogram, dot plot or stem-and-leaf plot, are used to provide visual information on the distribution of a variable An outlier can easily be identified using a box plot Visual inspection of histogram can also be used to assess if a variable is normally distributed A pair of numeric variables is summarized using a scatter plot A scatter plot is usually a good indicator of whether two variables are correlated or not 4. Conducting multivariate analysis such as multiple regression analysis You will be required to use at least one of the following advanced statistical methods covered in the course for your analysis: Multiple Regression Analysis. T-tests and ANOVA Time Series Analysis Logistic Regression Analysis Factor Analysis 5. Conduct research on your topic You are required to conduct research by reviewing existing literature on your topic and providing proper citations. It is through a review of literature that you get to know what has been done on your topic and what still remains to be done. In other words, you establish what “gaps” exist in the literature that your project attempts to address. Sometimes, it may not be a gap in the literature but you use literature review to learn how to address your own problem better. You can use the following questions to guide your literature review: What studies have covered the same topic or similar topics? What data did they use and how was that data collected? How does that differ from the data you used or how is it similar? What type analysis did they conduct? How is your analysis different from theirs? What were their findings? How do these findings differ from your findings? What were the conclusions from these studies? How do these contrast with your conclusions? Your project paper: Must have a minimum of 5 credible sources cited within the text of the paper and identified in the references section. Additional research sources may be included if they are deemed necessary. All sources must be in two places. They need to be identified in the reference section and, they must also have a corresponding citation in the body of the paper. 6. Writing a report using APA style formatting You are required to use APA style formatting in your project The project paper must follow the following format: Paper Format Papers should be double-spaced and in 12-point type font Times Roman. Length of the paper should be between 6 – 8 pages, excluding cover page, reference pages and appendices. The title page should include the title of the project, student name, course number and title, and date. Follow APA 7TH. ED. 7th. Ed. style for general format, citations, and references. Paper sections must adhere to the following format and each section must be labeled in the text. Introduction and project description Literature Review Data sources, data cleaning and description Descriptive statistics and Data Visualization Analytical Model and Data Analysis Results and discussion Summary and conclusion References Appendix Language should be clear, concise, and precise. Tone should be professional, consistent, and not filled with jargon. Grammar and syntax (sentence structure) must be correct. Paper must be free of misspellings and typos. Tables and Figures All figures and tables must be referred to in the text before they appear on the page. Figures and tables should appear on the same page or the next page as the text that refers to them. All figures and tables need titles. Titles go below figures and above tables. Quotations and Citations Quotations and citations are crucial components of a research paper. However, overuse of quotations denies you the opportunity to express yourself. While there is no hard rule on quotations, I recommend keeping them at 7% or less of the entire text. Failure to properly cite research sources and borrowed ideas is plagiarism. Papers submitted without appropriate citations and references will be returned to the student with no grade. Refer to APA 7TH. ED. 7th. Ed. style guide for assistance with properly citing quoted and/or paraphrased materials and formatting references. To get these instructions as a word document click the following link: Data 275 Data Analytics Project Assignment For slides of the project report outline, click the link: Project Report Outline Slides Rubric: Assignment Rubric Directions for Submission: Submit your assignment via the left-hand navigation menu (Assignments Submission - Assignments) Due no later than 11:59 ET on Day 7.

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